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<b>Leaded Glass & Bronze Water Lily Lamp</b><br>20 in. tall x 20 in. diam. <br>cir. 20th cen., USA
<b>Bamboo Table & Chairs</b><br>Table: 29 in. tall x 40 in. <br>cir. 20th cen.
<b>Italian Walnut Cabinet</b><br>approx. 57.5 in. T x 38.5 in. W x 15.75 in. D<br>circa 1700s, Italy
<b>Italian Walnut Bookcase</b><br>approx. 62.25 T x 34 in. W x 16 in. D<br>circa 1800s, Italy
<b>Cocktail Shakers</b>
<b>Louis XV Paint & Parcel Gilt Decorated Commode</b><br>approx. 36.5 in. T x 46 in. W x 21.5 in<br>circa 1700s, Italy
<b>Louis XV-Style Walnut Commodes</b><br>approx. <br>circa 20th cen.
<b>Chippendale-Style Carved Mahogany Mirror</b><br> approx. 30.5 in. T x 16.5 in.<br> circa 19th cen., USA
<b>Italian Baroque-Style Giltwood Mirror</b><br> approx. 56 in T x 29 in. W
<b>Tuscan-Style Buffet</b><br>approx. 53 in. T x 72.5 in. W x 20 in. D <br> Contemporary
<b>Crystal & Gilt Metal Sconces</b><br> approx. 15.5 in. T x 12.5 W x 5 in. D<br> circa 20th cen., USA
<b>French Provincial Cherry Enfilade/Buffet</b><br> Marble top.  Approx. 42.5 in. T x 73.25 in. W x 21.5 in. D<br> circa late-1800s, France
<b>Hepplewhite-Style Mahogany Sideboard</b><br> approx. 35.25 in. T x 66.5 in. W x 25.5 in. D<br> circa 2nd half 19th cen., England
<b>Cast Dogform Inkwell</b><br>circa 1900
<b>Cast Bronze Bookends</b><br>circa 20th cen.
<b>Caneware Game Pot</b><br>approx. 6.5 in. T x 8.5 in. Diam.<br>circa late-19th cen., Bohemia
<b>Palissy Vases</b><br>approx. 6 in. T x 3.25 in. (tallest)<br>circa late-1800s, France
<b>Majolica Covered Sardine Dish</b><br>approx. 9 in. long<br>circa 19th cen.
<b>Chrome Hood Ornament</b><br>approx. 4.5 in. T, circa mid-20th cen.
<b>Bronze Putti Musicians</b><br> On marble plinths<br> approx. 16 in. T x 10 in. W x 5 in. D<br> circa 19th cen., France
<b>Brass Spyglass</b><br>circa 1900, England
<b>Beaverskin Tophat</b><br>circa 1800s, England
<b>Monumental Dropleaf Dining Table</b><br>Lyre legs & wrought iron base<br>approx. 33 T x 138 L x 71 D inches<br>circa contemporary, USA
<b>Spanish Wrought Iron Torchères</b><br>approx. 70 in. T<br>circa early 20th cen., Spain
<b>Leather-Topped Side Tables</b><br>approx. 28.75 in. T x 32 in. diam.<br>circa late-20th cen., USA
<b>Louis XV-Style Giltwood Wall Appliqué</b><br>approx. 41 x 17<br>circa 19th cen.
<b>French Provincial Wine Press Screw</b> <br>approx. 47 in. T x  13.5 in. diam. <br>circa 19th cen., France
<b>Copper Fish Weathervane</b><br>approx. 10.5 x 22<br>circa early-20th cen., USA
<b>Nuremburg</b><br>Continental School, oil on board<br>approx. 9 x 7 inches<br>dated 1890
<b> Belle Époque Wrought Iron Fence</b><br>each panel: approx. 54 in. (tallest) x 29 in. W<br>circa 19th cen., France
<b> Still Life with Fruit and Birds</b<br>Oil on canvas<br>approx. 41 x 45 inches<br>circa mid-20th cen., France
<b>Chickens Oil on Board</b><br>approx. 9.5 x 11.5 inches
<b>Chickens Oil on Canvas</b><br>approx. 12.5 x 14.5 inches
<b>Woodland Scene Oil on Canvas</b><br>approx. 23.75 x 28.5 inches<br>circa 20th cen., France
<b>Girl w/Dog Oil on Canvas</b><br>approx. 23 x 16.75 inches<br>circa mid-1800s, Germany
<b>British School Highlands Cows Oil on Canvas</b><br>approx. 32 x 24 inches <br>circa 19th cen.
<b>Dutch School Street Scenes</b><br>Oil on panel<br>approx. 17 x 12.5 inches (each)
<b>Bronze Fireplace Screens</b><br>approx. 23 in. T x 54 & 24 in T x 40<br>circa early 20th cen.
<b>Comic Lithos of Musicians<b><br>approx. 14 x 11 inches
<b>John James Audubon Lithographs</b><br>2 Works: Roseate Spoonbill | Long Billed Curlew<br> approx. 34 x 48 x inches (each)
<b>John James Audubon Lithographs #2</b><br>2 Works: Roseate Spoonbill | American Flamingo<br> approx. 37.25 x 29.25 inches (largest)
<b>John James Audubon Lithographs</b><br>2 Works:  Red Headed Woodpecker | American Harrow Hawk<br> approx. 37 x 32.5 inches (each)
<b>Cast Stone Fox Bust</b><br>approx. 17 T x 11 x 9 inches
<b>Gustavian-Style Chests/Side-Tables/Nightstands</b><br> approx. 30 tall x 36 x 18 inches (each)<br> circa 20th cen.
<b>Fireplace Bellows</b><br> circa 1900, UK
<b>Shoe-Form Snuff Box</b><br>approx. 4.5 in. tall, circa 1900, UK

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4,600 sq foot gallery

4274 loudoun ave.
the plains, va 20198
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540.687.6097 | email us

Thurs thru Mon: 10 to 5
Closed: Tues & Wed
Also: By appointment
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